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WhatsApp 停止支援 "舊版手機系統" 過百萬用戶明年隨時失聯

发表于 2019-12-13 08:55:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

WhatsApp 停止支援 [size=21.3333px]"舊版手機系統"  過百萬用戶明年隨時失聯    全球用戶人數最多的即時通訊軟件 WhatsApp,每天不少人以此發送重要訊息、相片影片、語音,甚至進行語音和視像通話。不過在不到 3 個月之後,將會有過百萬 WhatsApp 用戶可能失去聯絡,這是因為 WhatsApp 將會停止支援舊版手機系統的緣故。

根據 WhatsApp 官方網站的支援文件,使用舊版手機系統,即是 iOS 8 或更舊和 Android 2.3.7 或以前的手機,將無法再使用 WhatsApp。對於 Android 來說,現時還是用八代之前的 Android 2.3.7 的用戶相信寥寥可數;不過現時還在採用 iOS 8 的 iPhone 用戶則還有不少,畢竟這只是五代之前的版本。



Millions Of WhatsApp Users Will Lose Access In 2020By Tyler Leeon 12/11/2019 15:18 PST

WhatsApp is one of the most used messaging apps in the world today. Given that it is free and can be used as long as there is an internet connection, it’s not surprising that is a very popular choice. However, come 2020, it seems that millions of WhatsApp users could potentially lose access to the app.


According to support documents for both iOS and Android, WhatsApp notes that come 1st of February, 2020, users who are running devices with older versions of iOS or Android will no longer be able to use the app. For iOS devices, this will include devices that are running iOS 8 or older, while for Android, it will affect those running on Android 2.3.7 or older.

On the Android front, this probably shouldn’t affect too many users given how old Android 2.3.7 is, especially with the latest version being Android 10, making it about eight generations behind. However, as for iOS devices, this could have the potential to affect a lot more users as iOS 8 isn’t quite as old as Android 2.3.7.

WhatsApp had called it a “tough” decision but if you’re using a device that can’t be updated past iOS 8 or Android 2.3.7, then perhaps it could be time to consider making an upgrade anyway.

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